Are you in a Toxic Relationship?

Signs you are in a Toxic Relationship

  1. You are being manipulated (end up accepting & doing things you didn’t want or believing things that don’t make sense)

  2. You are being controlled (your thinking, beliefs, emotions & what you can or cannot do)

  3. You are being disrespected (name calling/ talking over you/ ignored/ belittled)

  4. You are being blamed for everything that goes wrong (it’s always your fault)

  5. You are made out to be crazy (imagining or exaggerating things)

  6. You are being abused (emotionally/ psychologically/ physically/ financially/ sexually)

  7. Your boundaries are crossed continuously

  8. You are attacked when you speak up

  9. You walk on eggshells all the times

  10. You are accused of things you didn’t do

  11. You are not supported with your career, aspirations, personal growth

  12. You started to believe you are not worthy (no self confidence & poor self-image)

  13. You are isolated from people (family, friends) or had strange fall outs

  14. You get the sense you are being envied for any accomplishments or compliments

  15. You can’t have mature conversatons, it always ends up in a senseless argument

  16. You suspect big secrets are kept from you

  17. You discover lies after lies & they are never admitted

  18. You never hear a genuine ‘sorry

  19. You lost yourself (unable to recognize who you are anymore)

  20. You live in fear of a temper tantrum episode where you might get punished

  21. You stopped doing the things that made you happy

  22. Your life is all dedicated to please your partner & requires you to provide attention & admiration 24/7

Are you Trauma Bonded?

Signs you are Trauma Bonded

  1. You are living with the hope that one day they will change

  2. You are fixated on the good old days & waiting for their return

  3. You defend them, find excuses for the abusive behaviour & justify their anger

  4. You believe it is your job to fix them or help them become a better individual

  5. You are dependant on them even with things you used to be independent with

  6. You compensate for their lack of effort in the relationship by doing more

  7. You find it difficult breaking up with them & miss them if you try

  8. You convince yourself you won’t find better

  9. You believe them when they blame you & apologize when it’s not your fault

  10. You justify accepting their bad behaviour because you are not perfect either

  11. You stay or go back everytime they promise to change

  12. You lie to everyone and claim you are happy & everything is fine (when it is not)

  • Distance Yourself

    No Contact

    Support Network

    Recognize Your Trauma

    Decide you want to Break Free

  • Do not react when they push your buttons

    Do not share sensitive information about yourself

    Do not share your future plans

    Do not confront about the toxic behaviour

    Do not provoke them

  • Educate yourself (read, watch, listen)

    Build your self-esteem

    Practice keeping calm

    Find a support system

    Set clear boundaries & stick to them



The moment you decide YOU deserve better ..

Will be the first step in your HEALING journey

Book your appointment.

  • If you are ready to take your life back

  • If you had enough of being used & abused

  • If you are sick of feeling unhappy

  • If you know it’s time to make a change

  • If you are ready to do the tough work

  • If you are ready to embark on a journey of Healing & Self-Discovery